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After very successful and rewarding careers, Ron, a former US Postal Inspector, and Star, a retired postmaster, founded Sowing Seeds of Joy Ministries (SSOJ). Their passion to engage more African- Americans and people of color in global missions led to the creative birth of SSOJ. This endeavor of faith catapulted them into total commitment and participation as mission mobilizers. Working as a dynamic husband and wife team, they bring tremendous zeal to this work. Over the last 20 years, they have educated, equipped, engaged, exposed, and empowered some 1200 individuals, laypersons, pastors, and their wives, church leaders, youth and young adults, to experience short-term mission and do humanitarian outreach. As members of churches in Arkansas, Florida, and now Texas, Ron, and Star have been instrumental in igniting the fire for missions where there has been no fire. They’ve assisted churches in starting a mission ministry. They’re both encouragers and tremendous leaders. For nearly 5 years, Ron gave oversight to six ministries as director of evangelism and missions at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, Dallas, TX, where the senior pastor is Dr. Tony Evans. 


             Ron has presented at Dallas Theological Seminary’s WEC Conference, Missio Nexus’ conferences, Mission Waco’s No Needs Among Us Conference, and at the South-Central Evangelical Missiological Society (EMS) Conference. He and Star have collaborated with Columbia International University in South Carolina. That partnership resulted in students participating in a travel learning experience to Africa. Ron and Star are requested speakers; they’ve been presenters on the S.I L Wycliffe campus and in countless churches. Ron is currently serving on the board of Missio Nexus and InsideOut Global. They both serve on the national steering committee for the National African-American Missions Conference (NAAMC). They’re the creators of the NAAMC certification program. As ambassadors for missions, Perspective coordinators, Ron, a Perspective instructor (lessons 2 & 3), apprentice facilitators with the Trauma Healing Institute, their travels have taken them to Haiti, Brazil, Belize, Kenya, South Africa, Australia, Philippines, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Nigeria, Papa New Guinea, and numerous cities in the US. 


             SSOJ takes tremendous joy in conducting training. The organization partners with like-minded organizations to address concerns like those surrounding refugees. SSOJ host grant writing and strategic business planning workshops, connecting, collaborating, and mobilizing all peoples. Taking their call to disciple and challenge others to GO to the nations, Ron and Star (SSOJ) seek to bridge the gap between the whole body of Christ and the world's hurting communities. Their maxim is, whatever you do, make it count - experience God! Married for 38 years, they’re the proud parents of two, and the loving grandparents of four.

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