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Our VISION is: to come alongside the local body of Christ, assisting to mobilize and motivate their members to fulfill God’s Mission.

Our MISSION is: Connecting ordinary people to extraordinary stories

Naomi, Pastor Winston, & Chenell Myers

Naomi, Pastor Winston, & Chenell Myers

Sowing Seeds of Joy South Africa Management & Core Team

Sowing Seeds of Joy South Africa Management & Core Team

November 2014, Naomi and I (Winston Myers) had the privilege to facilitate a mission outreach in Cape Town as members of and the mission pastor of North Pine Baptist Church. We partnered with Sowing Seeds of Joy USA in this endeavor. On that occasion, we were honored to meet Ron and Star Nelson and James Wanje.  This was the start of a new thing God was doing in our lives as a family.

Amazingly God prepared us, having served several years with other mission outreach organizations such as Mercy Ship.  This new direction for our lives was revealed just a few weeks later. We had to urgently seek God’s strength through prayer and fasting to make some major decisions in our ministry journey. God directed us and we once again said yes Lord.  

We accepted the call to join God at work in this world through heading up the mission organization Sowing Seeds of Joy - South Africa It seemed to have been a bigger step of faith than we have ever taken, once again…but God!

South Africa Team

Ron Nelson (SSOJ-USA Founder), Jason Evans (SSOJ-USA Staff) Winston & Naomi Myers (SSOJ-South Africa Founders), Raymond & Maylene Davids

By God’s grace SSOJSA exists as a Para church organization supporting the commission of the local church as directed by God’s word in Matthew 28: 19 & 20 Acts 8:1 and is currently registered with the government of South Africa as a non-profitable organization. We have a board of directors in place and a managing team facilitating a few ministries.  

1. Hanover Park project, a feeding program (Spiritual & Physical), and rehabilitation from gang activity and substance abuse. 
2. Holistic Mental Health Program (mental illness and trauma counseling, empowering lay counselors.)

3. Mobilization of short-term mission outreaches (Kenya, Spain, West Africa, Eastern Cape, US) 

Learn more about SSOJ – South Africa, its leadership team, and humanitarian work.

Winston & Naomi Myers

Office Tel: 081 700 7793

Cell: 071 317 8886

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