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We are consultants for African American Mobilization


Missions Boot Camp Training

A short, intensive, and focused experience of training that educates, encourages, equips, exposes, and empowers participants to tap into their reserves, to put their feet into motion relative to God’s Great Commission, to step out of their comfort zone and into the fields of harvest, to mentor and disciple others to be on mission with God, learning the “dos” and “don’ts” of doing missions. Training designed for teams, churches, and/or organizations desiring to experience God at a greater level.

Missions Discipleship Training

A deliberate training experience that encourages participates to realize that learning about our Lord and Savior from the study of the Bible is incredibly important and essential! The training emphasizes that all Christians serious about their faith should be discipled and be disciple makers following the teachings of Jesus Christ and reflecting His likeness.

Missions Leadership Training

An experience that offers one-of-a-kind guidance, mentoring and training to help participants develop the full potential of their own unique leadership style, giftedness, and qualities as they explore the possibilities of going on mission and enthusiastically contributing to the advancement and building of God’s kingdom.  Training directed towards those who have a desire to lead short-term mission teams.

Missions Field Team Training

Field Training is an opportunity for participants/teams to develop skills as short-term missionaries with possible long-term implications.  The exercise involves preparation to go on short-term trips: pre-field guidance, on-the-field application, and post-field debriefing.

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